Do you remember where you were when you had the divine inspiration?

That lightbulb, A-HA moment …

Oh my God! I must open a Floatation Center in my town/village/city!

Think of all the people that I can help! Think of all the people who are in pain, who need to relax, who need to find their center!! Think of all the people who have not ever heard of FLOATING!!

This is how it starts for everyone, the beautiful reasons – how many people can benefit from even a single float session and how YOU can make that a possibility. The idea that springs out and grabs hold of you, dragging you into the fantastic world of FLOATATION.

FINALLY, you have found your calling.

You tell your friends, some are more excited than others, but you move forward. Business plan, location, and funding. Everything is finally in place; you have your location and your funding- now it is time to get your center put together. First, there is a building permit from the local municipality, surely, they are just as excited as you, you wait for your first meeting. Ok, you will have to make some changes, there are so many rules… and inspections… and inspectors! Your contractor begins work (two weeks late) and now you are waiting for your first inspection – fingers crossed! Whew! that went ok, now forward to the plumbing inspection.

The Plumbing Inspector has never heard of floating, float rooms or anything like this… He may have to investigate!! YIKES! Every day is a new issue, something that did not fit, work out or just cannot happen. You are exhausted AND you were supposed to open 2 weeks ago – the main question you keep asking yourself is – WHY? Why did I ever think this was a good idea? What was I thinking? And then, one magical day, it all comes together! Your vision comes to life! You have spent 2 days scurrying to get every detail finished (and a few things yet to be done) – You open your doors and greet your first floaters. You wait (anxiously) while they (hopefully) enjoy their float session. You wait while they shower thinking “I hope this is good”. And then…. They walk around the corner. They stop in their tracks and then you can tell… that look on their face…


And then it all floods back, THE WHY, because of this. There is nothing better than being witness to “THE FIRST FLOAT” how a person can look different, younger, less stressed. How sometimes they are so relaxed that speaking is an effort. Every day from this point on when things happen, salt everywhere and oh no! you forgot to order earplugs, you will be able to be a witness to “THE FIRST FLOAT”. When times are tough…Just remember